MATLAB: Import file from subfolders

arraydata importimportMATLABtext file

I am struggling with finding a proper way to import files from subfolders. I have a main folder (only with matlab files) and several subfolders (experimental data) that contain 3 .txt files (see picture attached). I would like to import all those files that way that each file will change a name accordingly to the name order of the subfolder so A from the folder "6550_19_lB=4,0" becomes an "A_1" and A from the folder "6550_19_lB=5,0 becomes A_11 (as it is 11th subfolder in name-wise order). I will indicate that the number of subfolders is not always the same number. How should it be done?

Best Answer

Folder = cd;
FileList = dir(fullfile(Folder, '**', 'A.txt'));
A = cell(1, numel(FileList));
for iFile = 1:numel(FileList)
File = fullfile(FileList(iFile).folder, FileList(iFile).name);
A{iFile} = load(File); % Or how you import the txt files
Now it is not "A_1" but the much more powerful A{1} etc.
Do not hide inidces in the names of variables, but use arrays.