MATLAB: Import figure with subplots


Hi there,
simple question. I want to import a figure which is made of a number of subplots and does something with it. How to handle that? I mean, how to access each single subplot and modify something in a loop, for instance?
Cheers. C

Best Answer

FigH = hgload(FigFileName);
% EDITED: 'flat' without leading '-'
AxesList = findobj(get(FigH, 'Children'), 'flat', 'Type', 'axes');
% If there are additional AXES objects in the figure,
% which are no SubPlot's use an additional property
% to exclude/include them in the FINDOBJ command.
for aAxes = reshape(AxesList, 1, [])
set(aAxes, 'Color', rand(1, 3));