MATLAB: Import data from numeric excel file e+08 NaN problem

data importexcelimporting excel datanumeric

I am trying to import excel data into matlab.
Well, we all know that we can do it by just clicking 'import data' or using other functions.
Btw, problem is one of the row, the whole number are to long just like this. "2.21911e+087251.96"
So when I checked output type as numeric table, the numbers of this row are replaced into NaN.
But when I selected table, at least the row saved as Text type.
You might say that change the type text into Numbers(double). It also NaN
I want to solve this problem and these are the ways I tried.
% Ouput Type Table named "Untitled"
% # 1
temp = table2array(Untitled); % now it's turned to str array

tempNum = str2num(temp); % Error using str2num Input must be a character vector or string scalar
% # 2
temp2 = Untitled{:,:}; % now it's turned to str array
str2double(temp2); % it worked but still "2.21911e+087251.96" row changed into "NaN"
% # 3
temp3 = table2cell(Untitled); % cell type
% anyway also not worked
% Can you people help me? X(

Best Answer

Boundaries of double precision
>> realmin
ans =
>> realmax
ans =
But you have 2.21911e+087251.96
There is no float number for exponent
>> 2E1
ans =
>> 2E1.1
Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.