MATLAB: Import a CSV file with no header separating numbers from symbols in a table


Thank you in advance for your help.
I'm trying to import a CSV file coming from an outsource company, structured this way:
A,"7,40 €"
B,"20,60 €"
C,"23,99 €"
Where the first comma is the separator for the two different columns, while the second comma is the decimal of the price.
I tried to import it using reatable('filename.csv').
what i get is similar to the following result:
ans =
1×3 table
A x7_40_
________________________________________________________________ ___________
{'B'} {'20,60 €'}
{'C'} {'23,99 €'}
What i would like to get instaed is a cell 1×3 like this
A 7.40
B 20.60
C 23.99
I can't substitute commas with dots previously otherwise it wont' recognise the two columns anymore. So i definitely need to manage the file after importing.
Is anyone so kind to please assist me in this?
Thank you.

Best Answer

Readtable ReadVariableNames allows you this:
tab = readtable('tmp.csv', 'ReadVariableNames', false); % don't read variable names
tab.Var2 = cellfun(@(x)sscanf(x, '%f'), replace(tab.Var2, ',', '.'));