MATLAB: Implement the Travelling salesman problem

branch and boundtravelling salesman problemtsp

I would like to implement the branch and bound algorithm to solve the TSP. For achieving this task I found good inputs at this website:
Attached you can find my script. At the moment I get following error message:
>> TSP Error using optim.problemdef.OptimizationProblem/solve options is not a valid solver. Use 'linprog' or 'intlinprog' instead.
Error in TSP (line 71) tspsol = solve(tsp,'options',opts)
Could someone help me to solve this problem? I don't know where is the fault. I have also an additional question. Is my script working with the branch and bound algorithm? I would guess so because the scripts contains constraints and subconstraints. But I'm not sure…

Best Answer

Your problem is here:
tspsol = solve(tsp,'options',opts)
which should be:
tspsol = solve(tsp,opts)
tspsol =
struct with fields:
trips: [19900×1 double]
As you can see, my release (also R2017b) has no problem.