MATLAB: Imfill() causes error in padarray

Image Processing ToolboximfillMATLAB

When I try the "Fill holes in grayscale image" example directly from the imfill() documentation page, an error occurs in padarray as shown below.
I = imread('tire.tif');
I2 = imfill(I);
Undefined function 'mkconstarray' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Error in padarray>ConstantPad (line 127)
b = mkconstarray(class(a), padVal, sizeB);
Error in padarray (line 80)
b = ConstantPad(a, padSize, padVal, direction);
Error in imfill (line 132)
mask = padarray(mask, ones(1,ndims(mask)), -Inf, 'both');
I tried the two lines below with the same result.
I = single(I)
I2 = imfill(I);
What is wrong?

Best Answer

That line of code does not occur in Mathwork's padarray() in your release.
I suspect that you have a third-party padarray.m
which -all padarray
should show something in toolbox/images/images/padarray.m and something in toolbox/images/images/@gpuArray/padarray.m