MATLAB: Images dimensions goes up when cropping it

columnsenlargedimage processingrowsscaling

I enclose two images. Both are the same image.
The original ('A1b.jpg') has the beggining point of the imaging window at [136,120] and end point at [548,120].
The ('A1b(al).jpg') is the same image cropped but the imaging window length is outrageous enlarged with starting point at [180,96] and end point at [1237,96].
Why this difference? I only cropped the image under certain dimensions. Why it took that scaling and stretching?

Best Answer

Looks like you're saving the figure window itself instead of the image in the axes. When you save the figure window, you get all that white padding, and the image is screen pixels, which may not be the same as the underlying image pixels because the image may have been zoomed or subsampled to fit your figure window.