image separation

HI , i have an 256*256 image .. i want to separate it into blocks of 4*4 of that original image .. for that i tried with this code .
[img_x,img_y]=size(img); block_size=4; slide_len=1; n=1; for ix=block_size/2:slide_len:img_x-block_size/2 for jy=block_size/2:slide_len:img_y-block_size/2 current_block=img((ix-block_size/2+1):(ix+block_size/2),(jy-block_size/2+1):(jy+block_size/2));
but i could not get the full blocks also when i cheked with original image pixel values differs .. can i use this codes or any in built command can be used .. thanks to all in advance for reading this patiently

Best Answer

Dear as in obove code division is n't correct .. follow this code
let say your image is I of 256 x 256. Make your your grid which is 4 x 4 this time should divide image dimensions.
if size(I,3)>1, I = rgb2gray(I); end % to make sure image is grayscale
I = imresize(I, [256 256]); % you can keep it the size you want but should be divisible by 4 x 4.
img_blocks = mat2cell(I,size(I,1)/4*ones(1,4), size(I,2)/4*ones(1,4));
Then you get img_blocks of size 4x4. For first block you can get
part1 = img_blocks{1,1};