MATLAB: Image Segmenter – how to load grayscale image from workspace correctly

Image Processing Toolboximage segmentation

Hello, I would like to segment grayscale image (uint16) in Image Segmenter app (Matlab R2018a academic use).
However, when I load it from workspace, I see only a black image, where I canĀ“t recognize anything.
I think that the problem is that the app shows the image like imshow(picture) instead of imshow(picture,[ ]). Is it possible to change it? Or is there any other way how to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Hi Veronika,
Here is the steps I tried, and I am able to have the image displayed in the app.
  1. I download the image you uploaded, and it is a 'jfif' file.
  2. type the following code in the matlab command line:
img = imread('C:\Users\Downloads\sample.jfif');
img = rgb2gray(img); % convert the rgb image to gray image; this line should be omitted if your image is already a gray image;
Please let me know if you have any questions.