MATLAB: Image segmentation using two binary masks

cbirconnected componentImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationmorphological reconstructionregion growing

The aim of my image segmentation task is to completely extract the object of interest. I have two image segmentation methods. With the first method I get a portion of the desired object (not all of it, somewhere around 10-50% of the total object) but there are no false positives in this image segmentation mask.
With the second method I get all of my desired object along with other false positives. Now I need to use these two images to completely extract my object of interest. I was thinking along the lines of using connected component analysis or using the first image as a seed to grow the region in the second image. Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome (pertinent to the topic, of course).
Below I've attached the two images i am referring to. the bottom one is the minimal mask and the top one is the noisy mask.

Best Answer

It would be useful to see the original image. But if you're sure you can get the large blob, knowing that the small blob is contained within it, then you can use imreconstruct(). It will take one of more "markers" in a binary image. Then, given a binary image which contains more blobs, some of which may contain the small marker blobs, and some blobs which don't contain any marker blob, then it will give you only the blobs that contain marker blobs and exclude the blobs that don't contain marker blobs.