MATLAB: Image Segmentation on an Image with low contrast and nonuniform lighting

Image Processing Toolboximage segmentation nonuniform lighting low contrast

The image I'm working with looks like water droplets on a sheet of metal. What I'm trying to do is obtain statistics, such as blob area and centroidal distance of the shapes. I have figured out all of the code to accomplish this, but my code is lacking in the image processing department.
Shadowing has become a factor and due to the non-uniform lighting, it is difficult to do contrast adjustment effectively enough to separate the blobs from the background.
The process I have employed so far to segment the image is to:
(1) adjust the contrast of the image using imadjust
(2) adjust the brightness of the image by adding value 120
(3) threshold the image into a binary using a decision statement
(4) morphologically edit the image using bwerode and fill in holes using imfill
and there's a problem because of the shadows any Help
the Original Image
Image after Segmentation

Best Answer

Steps 1 and 2 are totally unnecessary. The rest of the steps are covered in my BlobsDemo image segmentation tutorial
When people need help with images, it's most helpful if they upload an image for us to look at.
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