MATLAB: Image save with colormap

colormapimage processing

Dear all, I have a image data, and I made gray image to color image with jet colormap. However, the imshow function does not support the full scale or full size saving. How can I solve this problem?

Best Answer

When you said "I made gray image to color image with jet colormap" it's not clear if you used
rgbImage = ind2rgb(grayImage, jet(256));
Or if you did
imshow(grayImage, []);
The first snippet creates a new full color RGB image, while the second snippet just displays the gray scale image with a pseudocolor lookup table. Which did you do?
Then you say " imshow function does not support the full scale". Not sure if you mean the size scale or the intensity scale. Anyway, imshow() supports both. The image will be scaled to fit so that the whole image will fit into whatever size the axes control is.
Then you say "the imshow function does not support the full ... size saving". You don't use imshow() to save the image, you use imwrite(), and imwrite() will save the full sized image.
If you want to display the full size image, you'll need to use a imscrollpanel. See attached demo from the Mathworks.