MATLAB: Image Registration step by step

Image Processing Toolboximage registration

I want to add my own transformation type for an image registration(differing from affine or rigid). Does anyone have step by code for registration in which this is possible? Also i had like to implement my own similarity measure. Tips or code anyone? It is for contourtracking in greyscale images.

Best Answer

Well I am first sampling along a contour on my fixed image. All the moving images are also sampled on this contour. This ensures that in theory the contour that i want to track is only moving vertically. So in the registration it is not really affine because there is out of plane motion. But there is not enough out of plane resolution to use 3D registration. It is a time series. So optic flow might be an option. I am using the b-spline model at this point but i need to make a grid which moves in the way i want it to(other constrictions). Or i need to adjust the affine transformation in such a way that it only registers vertical shifts and does not do anything horizontally(x direction)