MATLAB: Image processing using Matlab

digital image processingfilterimage analysisimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationsmoothing

I have the following result of segmentation
How can I improve the results?
1) I want to improve the appearance to get the vessels more smooth.
2) I want to extract the oval-like part of the vessels in the middle of the image.
Any suggestions?
Here is a link to the image

Best Answer

For your first question:
Is this strictly for appearances? If so, does medfilt2 do what you want?
rawImg = rgb2gray(imread('seg_vessel.jpg'));
nbhd = [2 2]; %play around with neighborhood size to get the smoothness you want
smoothedImg = medfilt2(rawImg,nbhd);
figure;imagesc(rawImg); colormap(gray)
figure;imagesc(smoothedImg); colormap(gray)