MATLAB: [Image processing] How to match similiar but misplaced objects

image processingImage Processing Toolbox

Hi! I've got a problem with processing CT images – I want to make difference images, but my original and contrasted image are misplaced (about few pixels), so my difference image isn't as good as it could be. I've been wondering about segmentation my whole object (e.g. inverting segmentation of background), but what to do next? I work on grayscale images.

Best Answer

Have you considered imregister() to align the images. If alignment is not what you want to do (not your final objective) then explain further, because "segmentation of whole object" is very vague. Needing to align things so they can be subtracted optimally is a very different thing than segmenting your image - like classifying some or all of the parts such as liver, lungs, spine, spleen, etc.
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