MATLAB: Image processing function works to skew an image but Im not sure why

Image Processing Toolboxmaketform image processing makersampler imtransform image tranformations transform

In plain english could someone explain each maketform, makresampler, and imtransform and how they work. If I am trying to make some transformation to an image, what can I do to obtain certain paramters. clear clc black = [0 0 0]'; a = .15; T = maketform('affine', [1 0 0; a 1 0; 0 0 1] ); A = imread('SI3_LAOSub_3600kx_Map_HAADF.tif'); h1 = figure; imshow(A); title('Original Image') R = makeresampler({'cubic','nearest'},'fill'); B = imtransform(A,T,R,'FillValues',orange); h2 = figure; imshow(B); title('Sheared Image');
This code works to effectively shear a lattice from not parallel to parallel. But im not sure why.

Best Answer

if true
% code
black = [0 0 0]';
a = .15;
T = maketform('affine', [1 0 0; a 1 0; 0 0 1] );
A = imread('SI3_LAOSub_3600kx_Map_HAADF.tif');
h1 = figure; imshow(A); title('Original Image')
R = makeresampler({'cubic','nearest'},'fill');
B = imtransform(A,T,R,'FillValues',orange);
h2 = figure; imshow(B);
title('Sheared Image');