MATLAB: Image Processing

image processing

I would greatly appreciate help with coding the following image processing steps in matlab: – loading in an analyze image (type:hdr/img) and binarize it (BW image and the ROI are the white areas) – For each "white area" (defined either by a 1 or 0), create its own separate mask
I am having trouble flowing each step into the other and figuring it out. I have some experience with MATLAB but I am really having trouble with this combination. I would greatly appreciate anyone's help!
Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Look at my BlobsDemo - it does all that. Well, different image format (not hdr/img - whatever that is) but basically it finds and measures objects.
You should get the Image Processing Toolbox. It will be hard to do much image processing without it unless you love to spend lots of time reinventing wheels and things.
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