MATLAB: Image Processing

image processingno_attemptsendit2me

Hi 2 all,
I have one formula for finding moments But i could not know how to proceed further i.e) how to write matlab code for this.Anyone can clarify this? Please send ur suggestion….
imagemoment=summation(imagepixel(i,j)*(x-x')2) / summation(imagepixel(i,j))
summation will be perfformed from 1 to 8
My code:
im=imread('image.jpg'); %binary image of 256x256
for i=1:256
for j=1:256
for k=1:8
for l=1:8
sigma(k,l)=im(k,l)*u1; %doubtful statement
%here sigma value must be the summation of 64 values that means in x axis 8 values and y axis 8 values(8×8 block) How to perform this cumulative addition Please post how to perform basic summation Thx in advance……..
x=1 to 8
x'=summation(imagepixel*x) / summation(image pixel)
i,j varies from 1 to 8

Best Answer

for each 8x8 block, you will want to calculate:
im = rand(8)>.5; % generate image data
xbar = 4.5; % mean x
ybar = xbar; % mean y
im2moment = zeros(8); % allocate memory
for c = 1:8
for r = 1:8
im2moment(r,c) = (r-ybar).^2*(c-xbar).^2*im(r,c);
imagemoment = sum(sum(im2moment))/sum(sum(im));
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