MATLAB: Image pixel info on

figureimage analysis

I have 2 different images (image1, image2). I want to place the mouse (or click with it) on image1 (to get the (x,y) of that pixel), and to view the pixel value of image2 on that (x,y) location (the one I choose on image1).
how can that be done?

Best Answer

Hi Nirit, you can use the WindwoButtonMotionFunction of the Figure, your image 1 is in. Here is a quick example:
function m_easy_mouse_handling_example()
%example data
a = [1,1,1;2,2,2;3,3,3];
b = [10,12,14;16,18,20; 22 24 26];
%show the two figures
h_fig1 = figure()
h_ax1 = axes('Parent',h_fig1);
h_im1 = imagesc(a,'Parent',h_ax1);
h_fig2 = figure()
h_ax2 = axes('Parent',h_fig2);
h_im2 = imagesc(b,'Parent',h_ax2);
%set function which is used when mouse is over figure 1 (h_fig1)
set(h_fig1,'WindowButtonMotionFcn', @MouseMoveFcn)
function MouseMoveFcn(varargin)
mouse_pos = get(h_ax1, 'CurrentPoint');
ii = round(mouse_pos(1,1));
jj = round(mouse_pos(1,2));
%show value of image 2 in command line
disp(num2str(b(jj,ii))) %please check, if order of dimensions is correct
%catch error, if you are outside the image (to do)