MATLAB: Image labeler Train cascade error!

detectorexampleimage labelerstop-signtraincascadeobjectdetector

I have a set of labeled images using the image labeler app. I have exported using the builtin function to gndTruth file.
I have the following code:
positiveInstances = gndTruth(:,2:1);
imDir = fullfile('positveImgDir');
negativeFolder = fullfile('NegativeImgDir');
negativeImages = imageDatastore(negativeFolder);
trainCascadeObjectDetector('bluesDetector.xml',positiveInstances, ...
I have no idea why it is causing error.

Best Answer

Could the error be that I'm using pixel label instead of line or rectangle label?
Yes, sorry!
[imds,pxds] = pixelLabelTrainingData(gTruth);
But I don't think you can use imds and pxds for trainCascadeObjectDetector().
Because the positiveInstances variable requires the second table column or structure field to contain an M-by-4 matrix of M bounding boxes. Each bounding box is in the format [x y width height] and specifies an object location in the corresponding image.