MATLAB: Image is too big to fit on screen

image processingsize;

I have some uint8 RGB images. But when I try to display these images by using imshow, I get a warning saying that image is too big to fit on screen, displaying at 67%.
And here is a part of my code:
%%Reading image
filename = strcat(di,srcFiles(8).name);
img = imread(filename);
title('Original Image')
%%Green channel extraction
img_g = img(:,:,2);
title('Green Channel')
Any suggestion would help. Thanks

Best Answer

This is not an error, but a warning. You should be reminded, that the displayed image contains less details as the original data. But you probably know this, when you open a high-resolution image. You can use image instead of imshow to avoid this warning. Alternatively specify the 'InitialMagnification':
imshow(img_g, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit')