MATLAB: Image is too big to fit on screen!!

dicomdisplayfittingImage Processing Toolboximshow

I'm currently working on a project; and I have some uint16 dicom images. But when I try to display these images by using imshow, I get a warning saying that image is too bigto fit on screen, displaying at 73%. I have already tried imresize, imscrollpanel and imagemagnification but I still get full black images.
Any suggestion would help. Thanks

Best Answer

Being all black is not related to the warning. The warning merely says that it's shrinking your huge image down so that it will fit into the smaller axes you have. Don't worry about it. If you want to turn that error off, you can - just see this snippet:
% Turn off this warning "Warning: Image is too big to fit on screen; displaying at 33% "
% To set the warning state, you must first know the message identifier for the one warning you want to enable.
% Query the last warning to acquire the identifier. For example:
% warnStruct = warning('query', 'last');
% messageID = warnStruct.identifier
% messageID =
% MATLAB:concatenation:integerInteraction
warning('off', 'Images:initSize:adjustingMag');
What are the max and min values of your array?