MATLAB: Image histogram for color constancy

color constancyImage Processing Toolbox

Dear Sir
If i use the imhist() for my subploting imageit will not display the histogram in my color constancy program at the same time i want to display the error ration for orginal image and gray image
Please give suggestion for me it was very helpful to me
with regards Fathima

Best Answer

We have no knowledge of your color constancy program so we can't say why it will not display. In a regular MATLAB program with an axes, you'd do something like this:
[pixelCounts grayLevels] = imhist(grayImage, 256);
bar(grayLevels, pixelCounts, 'BarWidth', 1.0);
but that's for a gray scale image, not a color image. I also don't know what an "error ration" is. Finally, explain how you got the gray level image from the "original" image.