MATLAB: Image fusion of 3 images

image fusionmultiple images

Hi everyone, I have 3 gray images of same size, I want to apply image fusion on these 3 images, i.e. I want to fuse 3 images and form a single output image. Please Explain how to do it using Matlab commands?

Best Answer

Let there are 3 images i1, i2, i3 at first fuse i1 and i2 and store the resulting fused image as 'i'
i= wfusimg(i1,i2,'db2','level of wavelet decomposition', 'mean', 'mean');
[now fuse the only remaining input image i3 with the 1st fused image output 'i'] [Note- level of wavelet decomposition may be taken 2,3,4,5.. as per requirement]
Fused_image=wfusimg(i,i3,'db2','level of fusion', 'mean', 'mean');
Fused_image= uint8(Fused_image):
%Above fusion is DWT decomposition based image fusion%
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