MATLAB: Image enhancement (take from web cam) for detection purpose

Image Acquisition Toolboximage enhancement (from web cam) for detection purposeImage Processing Toolboxwebcam

my project is "feature based face detection and recognition". i take a image through web cam, i need enhancement of that image then next use for, how i can enhance the image take from web cam..tell me the code for image enhancement in matlab . image is colored image

Best Answer

"how i can enhance the image take from web cam?" Isn't that a question you were supposed to answer because it's essentially your whole project ?
"tell me the code for image enhancement in matlab " - but it's YOUR project and your project is not to just simply turn in our project as your own.
Is your project simply to apply already known/discovered algorithms, which might be fine for an undergraduate class project, or is it to invent new algorithms, which would be required for a graduate project/thesis/dissertation?