MATLAB: Image cropping help (Crop image at boundary)

cropimageimage analysisimage processingimage segmentationimcropMATLABmatlab image

I need some help cropping certain shapes individually out of a binary image. Below is an example image.
I know an easy way of cropping automatically would be using using regionprops() ('BoundingBox') and using those coordinates and lengths with imcrop(). But that gives me the white part inside a bounding box still surrounded by black.
Is there a way of cropping only the white out, say, using the boundary coordinates found with bwboundaries, or conncomps? Is it possible to crop out the object at the boundary coordinates?
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Best Answer

3.- and from Image Analyst, an accepted answer:
croppedImage = imcrop(yourImage, [1 1 200 300]);
where [xmin ymin width height] is [xmin ymin width height]
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