MATLAB: Image conversion to RGB


How to convert the binary image (which is extracted from regionprops command) to again RGB image
here is the sample command
stats = regionprops(L,'Area','Centroid', 'Image');

Best Answer

With difficulty. You would have to do something like xcorr2 in order to locate stats(K).Image within the label image.
It is a lot easier to instead request PixelIdxList or PixelList or SubarrayIdx, which give you information about the locations within the label image, and use those indices to extract the RGB from the original image. Or perhaps easier would be to use Image together with BoundingBox:
stats = regionprops(L, 'Area', 'Centroid', 'Image', 'BoundingBox');
for K = 1 : length(stats)
BB = stats(K).BoundingBox;
blobRGB = imcrop(YourRGBImage, BB);
mask = repmat(stats(K).Image, [1 1 3]);
blobsRGB{K} = blobRGB .* mask;
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