MATLAB: Image() and imread() displays lower quality image

display changes qualitydisplay imageimageimage displayimage processingimage qualityimreadlow quality imageMATLAB

Apologies if I'm misusing any image-processing terms; I'm not very familiar with them.
When I display an image in Matlab using the imread() function, the displayed image is noticably lower quality than the original image before I load it into Matlab. To clarify, this doesn't have anything to do with saving an image through Matlab; I am loading an image that when viewed in another image viewing program (Windows Photo Viewer, Adobe Illustrator, etc) seems to have one level of quality, but when loaded and displayed in Matlab seems to lose that quality.
I've attached the original image and a screenshot comparison of the original image (on the left) and Matlab's display of the image (on the right). My code is as follows:
cadPic = imread('original.png');
I've tried various combinations of image(), imread(), and imshow(). I've also tried converting the original image from an int8 RGB triplet into a double, with this method:
I've also tried to use the
axis image
command specified by this answer, with no effect. I can manually resize the image in Adobe Illustrator without seeing this kind of quality loss, so I'm not sure if the solution in that answer applies to this case.

Best Answer

I think the image is just being subsampled for display. If you zoom in you'll probably see all the details. See attached zoom demo.