MATLAB: Image acqisition toolbox AND scopetek dcm130e camera

dcm130eimage acqisition toolboxImage Acquisition Toolbox

I try to get images from scopetek dcm130e camera using image acqisition toolbox and fail to do it.
I have 3 cameras: defender c-110 (which does not need drivers) works well with winvideo adaptor; creative nx ultra started to work with winvideo adaptor after installing of K-Lite codec pack; and scopetek dcm130e doesn't work.
Camera dcm130e is OK: i can see video from it using the kmplayer or scopephoto. Image acquisition toolbox detects this camera in hardware browser but there is the only available format RGB24_0x0 (default) which is useless.
Could you tell me please how can i get images from scopetek dcm130e camera using matlab and image acquisition toolbox?
windows xp sp3
matlab r2009b
toolbox version 3.4 (r2009b)
installed adaptors: coreco, winvideo

Best Answer

That is not a GigE camera: it is a USB 2.0 camera, and has a TWAIN interface. For that see