MATLAB: I’m writing an app to read data from excel file and plot the data with matlab app designer, is there any example i can refer to

MATLABmatlab apps designerr2019bread excel file to plotstring x axis and data y axis

i need to create a gui where the user can select an excel file with selected path and create plots, the excel file have only data for the y axis while string for the x axis. I also need to provide with an dropdown menu to let user choose which type of graph to plot for example line graph or scatter plot. is there any example cases that i can refer to? i do provide an example of data excel file. thanks alot.

Best Answer

Relevant links which may be helpful in creating an app having functionalities of reading files and plotting them.
  1. Opening file selection dialogue box -
  2. Creating GUI plots using UIAxes -
The following link has a complete guide to develop Apps using App Designer.
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