MATLAB: I’m not sure how to make the elements of the matrix multiples of 7


So basically I need to write a function that makes an mxn martix where the elements are multiples of 7 (7,14,21,…), also m =/= n and they are user inputted positive integers. This is what I have so far:
function [] = matrixQ3(m, n)
prompt='Enter a positive integer for m: ';
m = input(prompt);
prompt1='Enter a positive integer for n that is not equal to the first: ';
n = input(prompt1);
while x == 0;
prompt='Enter a new positive integer for m that is not equal to n: ';
m = input(prompt);
prompt1='Enter a new positive integer for n that is not equal to m: ';
n = input(prompt1);
if m ~= n && m > 0 && n > 0;
%z = m * n;
%mat = [m:n, ];
I am having trouble figuring out how to do the elements part of the matrix.

Best Answer

The randi function to the rescue!
The randi function will give you random integers, so all you then have to do is to decide on the maximum integer, the multiply the result by 7:
m = 3;
n = 4;
Matrix7 = randi(100, m, n) * 7;
A non-random option:
m = 3;
n = 4;
V = 1:(m*n);
Matrix7 = reshape(V', m, n)'*7;