MATLAB: I’m having a problem getting cell data into usable forms

cell arrays

For my latest HW I've been given a lot of data in the form of several 175×1 cells, each containing a single column of Nx1 doubles where N is from ~20 to 70. I'm required to use this data to perform histograms of various types, determine directional vectors based upon these points, and similar functions, but can't figure out good ways to access the data without going row-by-row hundreds of times. The cell2mat function just gives me a 5413×1 matrix, making it hard to do much productive with the data. Is there some easy step I'm missing here? Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Without your actual data it’s difficult to give an exact Answer. However, if your cell array resembles this one, see if taking the transpose of your cell array solves your problem.
c = { randi(9,10,1); randi(9,10,1); randi(9,10,1)};
d = cell2mat(c');