MATLAB: ILaplace of simple functions that include exponential and polynomial terms


Here is the laplace transfer function of a square waveform applied to a very simple LC filter.
syms s t
Why this simple code cannot be calculated by Matlab?

Best Answer

Your floating point constants lead MATLAB to a situation in which it is internally generating derivative of the floor function applied at numeric value. MATLAB does not have derivative of floor built in.
If you rewrite so that you get pure rationals, then MATLAB is able to convert the derivative of floor into a heaviside.
syms s t
Q = @(v) str2sym(v);
iL = simplify(ilaplace(signal));
siL = subs(iL, t, time);
niL = double(siL);
plot(time, niL)
Some of the above lines can be combined. I separated operations out to make it easier to track where the problem was coming from.
Notice that sym('8e-7') creates a software floating point number, which will not work for this purpose; it is necessary to build the equivalent rational expression. That is also why 1.5e32 got converted to 15e31 and then to 15*10^31 -- using even a single decimal point in the coefficients can result in something that ilaplace cannot properly convert to heaviside.
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