MATLAB: Ignoring NaNs for Surface Fit

cftoolfittingignore nannansftoolsuface fit

I have a 2D matrix, with certain values missing – represented by NaNs. I have organised the data into three column vectors (x,y,z) and am able to pass the data through the Surface Fitting tool 'sftool'. This ignores the NaNs and works perfectly, however whenever I try and manually do this fit using the 'fit()' function it won't allow me because of the NaNs.
How can I ignore these NaNs in a similar way for this? All the methods I've come across for ignoring NaNs so far won't work as I have to keep all three vectors the same length and in order.
Any help would be greatly apprecitated.

Best Answer

xyz = [x y z]; %x y z are column vextors
xyz_no_nans = xyz(~any(isnan(xyz),2),:); %keep rows which have no nans
x = xyz_no_nans(:,1); %etc.