MATLAB: Ignoring extra legend entries

errorextra legend entrylegendlegend entrieslegend entry

My function is supposed to graph all three values of y against x, but instead it graphs the first two and I receive the error notice: Warning: Ignoring extra legend entries. How can I resolve this? My code is below:
X = -10:0.2:10; y1 = X.^2; y2 = X.*cos(X) y3 = -X.^3 plot(x,y1,y2,y3);
%set the domain and range axis([-10 10 -10 10]);
title('Comparing functions') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') legend('y1=x^2','y2=xcos(x)','y3=-x^3')

Best Answer

Hello Charlotte, you should be getting a pretty strange graph right now, since it would be plotting x vs y1 and then y2 vs y3. try
which creates a matrix of y arrays and uses the X array as the independent variable all three times.