MATLAB: If statment with multiple conditions

if statement

I have to make an if elseif else statement where if pertains to three options I put
answer=menu('Select a curve type','a) Square wave','b)Sine wave' ...
,'c)Cosine wave','d)Tangent curve','e)Decaying exponential');
if answer==1,2,3
frequency=input('Enter a frequency');
amplitude=input('Enter an amplitude');
cycles=input('Enter a number of cycles');
elseif answer==4
frequency=input('Enter a frequency \n');
cycles=input('Enter a number of cycles \n');
else answer==5
tau=input('Enter a time constant');
what should I do to make it work?

Best Answer

if any(answer==[1,2,3])
frequency=input('Enter a frequency: ');
amplitude=input('Enter an amplitude: ');
ccycles=input('Enter a number of cycles: ');
elseif (answer==4)
frequency=input('Enter a frequency: ');
cycles=input('Enter a number of cycles: ');
elseif (answer==5)
tau=input('Enter a time constant: ');
error('some error');
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