MATLAB: If statement for error

errorif statement

Hi, is it possible to use an if-statement that responds wether an error occurs while running a script? and if the answer is yes, how can one achieve this?
here is a simple idea of what I mean
if error occurs
*do something*

Best Answer

No. You cannot use if to find an error, because an error interrupts and stops execution of your code. However, you can use a try block to do that. Try intercepts any error that occur inside the try block, and immediately transfers execution into the catch block, where you can do as you wish.
a = 1:2;
disp('you did something wrong')
you did something wrong
So, when the try block executed, it assigned a to a vector of length 2. I can verify that a exists, and is of length 2.
a =
1 2
But then I did something silly, that will result in an error. Instead of allowing the error to be generated, it traps into the catch block, where I could have done whatever I wanted to, with the code continuing execution there.
No error message was generated. So, while I would have expected to see this:
Index exceeds array bounds.
Instead, it dropped into the catch block. We can extract that error message, if we want to do so though.
ans =
struct with fields:
message: 'Index exceeds array bounds.'
identifier: 'MATLAB:badsubscript'
stack: [0×1 struct]
So, you cannot use if. But you CAN use try/catch.