MATLAB: If loop using cell arrays

cell arrayif loop

I have 2 matrices:
A with 24 arrays of each different length (i.e. A{1} 2362×1, A{2} 2341×1) defining salaries
B with 24 arrays of each different length (i.e. A{1} 2362×1, A{2} 2341×1) contains either a 0 or a 1
And last I have 2 boundary values C= 2600 and D= 1700.
I want to check the following:
if B(each value) == 0 && A(each value) > C
A(this value)= C
elseif B(each value) == 1 && A(each value) > D
A(this value)= D
Can anyone help me out?

Best Answer

You don't need any if. Just use logical operations. Your first condition is to replace elements when B is false (i.e. B==0 or simply ~B) and A greater than C, so is simply writen as A(~B & A>C). Similarly your second condition is simply A(B==1 & A>D) (which simplifies to A(B & A>D). You just have to apply that to each cell of the cell arrays:
for cellidx = 1:numel(A)
a = A{cellidx};
b = B{cellidx};
a(~b & a>C) = C;
a(b & a>D) = D;
A{celldix} = a;