MATLAB: If i have two of matrix how to sort them

functionmatrixmatrix manipulation

if i have this code
x_matrix= [];
value = [];
for k=1:15
x_matrix{k} = randi([0 1],5,5);
value = sum(sum(x_matrix{k}));
how can i sort the vector Value from the min value to max value in which the index x_matrix for this value
will be change in the same position to the index value for it ??

Best Answer

ntries = 15;
x_matrix = cell(ntries, 1);
for k = 1 : ntries
x_matrix{k} = randi([0,1], 5, 5);
values = cellfun(@nnz, x_matrix);
[sortvalues, sortidx] = sort(values);
smallest_xmatrix = x_matrix{sortidx(1)};
largest_xmatrix = x_matrix{sortidx(end)};