MATLAB: If I have a while loop that outputs a different letter (or space) each time I run it, how can I combine all the outputted letters from each loop into a string.

letterstringtext;while loop

So if loop one gave me 't' loop two outputs 'a' and loop three output 'p', I want the final string to be 'tap'
I have attached my code below. letter is the output that gives me the letter at the index I want, so I want to make a string of all the letters
fh = fopen(txt,'r');
line = fgetl(fh);
while ischar(line)
[row,rest] = strtok(line,'-')
rest = rest(2:end)
row = str2num(row)
[col,rest] = strtok(rest,'-')
rest = rest(2:end)
col = str2num(col)
[spot,~] = strtok(rest,'-')
spot = str2num(spot)
pos = dec(row,col)
pos = char(pos)
letter = pos(spot)
line = fgetl(fh);

Best Answer

Lauren - outside of your while loop you can create an empty string variable such as
message = '';
Then, whenever you get a new letter you can add it to the message
letter = pos(spot);
message = [message letter];
So on each iteration of the loop, you will build the message to be (for example) tap.
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