MATLAB: If I have a string consisting of words of different lengths separated by spaces, how can return a word in that string given only its starting index

spacesstarting indexstring

As an example:
str = 'bat catch convey can cart court CUT ct CAT-scan';
…and all I have is my starting index, which is 11; consequently I want to return the word "convey" from this string. How do I proceed?
I find that "extractBetween" forces you to choose either between a start string and an end string, i.e.
newStr = extractBetween(str,startStr,endStr)
or a start position and an end position, i.e.
newStr = extractBetween(str,startPos,endPos)
Many thanks for whatever illumination you can provide.

Best Answer

Here's how I thought of to do it:
str = 'bat catch convey can cart court CUT ct CAT-scan';
remainingWords = strsplit(str(11:end)) % Get words starting with index 11.
theWord = remainingWords{1} % Take the first word it found.