MATLAB: If-else-statement not working properly

if statement

I am trying to display a plot in customary units if x = 0 or the same plot in metric units if x = 1. However, no matter whether I enter 0 or 1 for x, the program returns only the metric plot. The customary plot works fine if I take out that part of the code and run it separately. Am I missing something in the syntax?
prompt = ' Enter 0 for customary units or 1 for metric units: ';
x = input(prompt);
if x == '0';
sc = [custWS1; custWS2; custWS3; custWS4; custWS5; custWS6; custWS7; custWS8; custWS9; custWS10];
hc = [3; 8; 13; 33; 55; 155; 245; 382; 519; 656];
title('Boundary Layer Plot');
xlabel('Wind Speed, mph');
ylabel('Height, ft');
else x == '1';
sm = [metWS1; metWS2; metWS3; metWS4; metWS5; metWS6; metWS7; metWS8; metWS9; metWS10];
hm=[0.9; 2.44; 3.96; 10; 16.8; 47.2; 74.7; 116; 158; 200];
title('Boundary Layer Plot');
xlabel('Wind Speed, m/s');
ylabel('Height, m');

Best Answer

x = input(prompt);
‘x’ is a double-precision numeric value, not a string, so:
if x == '0'
will always return false.
Try this:
if x == 0
elseif x == 1
and see if those changes do what you want.