MATLAB: Identifying x value at y on an xy plot


I have a fairly simple problem that I imagine has a simple solution. I have a plot in which the x-axis represents a location (0-8) and the y-axis is the probability of a certain action occuring at that location. I need to identify the x value when there is a 50% chance of the action happening. Example data below.
x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
y = [0,0,0,.25,.25,.25,.75,1,1];
I just need to identify the x value when y is 0.5. Is there a simple solution I am missing here? Thank you!

Best Answer

A common problem interpolating y-values that are not unique is how to make them appropriate for interpolation. One way is to simply choose a small range of data in the vicinity of the desired interpolation point.
Try this:
x = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
y = [0,0,0,.25,.25,.25,.75,1,1];
idx = find(y <= 0.5, 1, 'last'); % Select Small Range Of Data Based On Desired Interpolation Point
idxrng = [0 1]+idx;
Lxq = interp1(y(idxrng), x(idxrng), 0.5, 'linear'); % Interpolate Over Small Range Of Data

Pxq = interp1(y(idxrng), x(idxrng), 0.5, 'spline'); % Interpolate Over Small Range Of Data
hold on
plot(Lxq, 0.5, 'p')
hold off
Here the two interpolation menthods give the same result. That may not always be the situation, so specify an appropriate method.
Experiment to get different results.