MATLAB: Identifying sequences of two or more and maintaining vector shape


I'm pretty new to Matlab and know what I want to do, just not how to code it. I have a vector in which I want to remove nonzero values which are not in a sequence of two or more i.e.
0 112 58 0 0 0 0 114 0 24 0 0
and turn the 114 and 24 values to 0, but keep any value sequences of two or more.
I've switched to logicals to keep things simple and managed to find out how many times there are these sequences:
ML4= find(diff([-1 ML3 -1]) ~= 0);
runlength = diff(ML4) ;
runlength1 = runlength(1+(ML3(1)==0):2:end);
but not a way to keep the original vector shape Any help much appreciated.

Best Answer

x = [0 112 58 0 0 0 0 114 0 24 0 0];
x(strfind([0,x(:)' ~= 0, 0],[0 1 0])) = 0;