MATLAB: Identification of rooms in a floorplan

Computer Vision ToolboxDeep Learning Toolboxfloorplan imagesroom coordinatesroom segmentation

I have a floorplan image with only walls. I want to identify the room coordinates of the floorplan.
This code actually closes the doors and identifies the rooms in the floorplan. This works well when shape of the rooms is rectangles. But It does not work well when the shape is either trapezium or L shape. Can somebody help me please?
Also it is not closing all the doors properly.

Best Answer

I skeletonized the image and found endpoints with bwmorph. Found shortest distances and connected points
I0 = imread('image.jpeg');
I1 = im2bw(I0); % binarize image
I2 = bwmorph(~I1,'skel',inf); % make thin lines
I3 = bwmorph(I2,'spur',10); % remove spurs
B = bwmorph(I3,'endpoints'); % find free ends (endpoints)
[ii,jj] = find(B); % find rows and columns of endpoints
D = pdist2([ii(:) jj(:)],[ii(:) jj(:)]); % find distances
D(D<1e-3) = nan; % remove zeros
[~,ix] = min(D); % find shortest distances
for i = 1:length(ix)
i1 = ii(i):ii(ix(i));
j1 = jj(i):jj(ix(i));
I3(i1,j1) = 1; % connect door ends
I4 = imdilate(I3,ones(15)); % make lines thicker
imshowpair(I0,I4) % display original and modificated images