MATLAB: Ideal Torque and Rotational Motion Sensors

simmechanicsSimscapeSimscape ElectronicsSimscape Multibodysimulationsimulink

I am trying to monitor the angular velocity and torque generated by a brushless DC motor. I am using the 'elec_brushless_dc_motor' example as a reference. The Ideal Rotational Motion Sensor block is an "across variable" block, so it should be hooked up in parallel to the motor and driver. The Ideal Torque Sensor block is a "through variable" block, so it should be hooked up in series with the motor and driver. As you can see, I have done this. However, the Ideal Rotational Motion Sensor block doesn't report any angular velocity (0 rad/s). There are no issues with the torque block, it reports the torque correctly.
What am I doing wrong?

Best Answer

The setup of Through/Across looks correct. The problem may be with that "Goto" block.
By default, Goto blocks have a "tag visibility" parameter such that the data is local only to the subsystem that the block is in. If you change this from "local" to "global", does it fix the visualization of that velocity signal?
- Sebastian