MATLAB: I wrote this code in which all the elements of a 2D matrix below or equal to 90 are supposed to be zero after the loop gets evaluated. Ain’t working.

matrix array

So,I wrote this code in which all the elements of a 2D matrix below or equal to 90 are supposed to be zero after the loop gets evaluated.It does sets some elements below or equal to 90 to zero. But it always leaves out some elements,not converting them into zero.Where have I committed the mistake in this code?
Here is the code-
for i=1:size(a,1)
for j=1:size(a,2)
if a(i,j)<=90
If I give this as input-
a =
1 2 90
91 95 78
65 98 99
It produces the following output-
a =
0 0 0
91 95 78
0 98 99
See it didn't convert 78 to zero.

Best Answer

Your code is written so that for any one row, as soon as it finds an element that is more than 91, it should stop scanning the row. You should read more about what "break" means.