MATLAB: I would like to get an cell array output by matching 2 cell arrays and returning with corresponding matched values from other cell array.

cell arrays

I have 2 cell arrays A(6*1) and B(35*2).
A= {'MEG0522';'MEG0523';'MEG0512';'MEG0513';'MEG0312';'MEG0313'};
B= {'MEG0522','LF';'MEG0523','LF';'MEG0512','LF';'MEG0513','LF';'MEG0312','LF';'MEG0313','LF';'MEG0342','LF';'MEG0343','LF';'MEG0122','LF';'MEG0123','LF';'MEG0822','LF';'MEG0823','LF';'MEG0533','LF';'MEG0532','LF';'MEG0543','LF';'MEG0542','LF'{'MEG0923','RF';'MEG1212','RF';'MEG1213','RF';'MEG1223','RF';'MEG1222','RF';'MEG1412','RF';'MEG1413','RF';'MEG0943','RF';'MEG0942','RF';'MEG0933','RF';'MEG0932','RF';'MEG1232','RF';'MEG1233','RF'};
I would like to get an output by matching A with B, returning a cell array say C(6*2) with A values in the column 1 and corresponding B values in column 2.
C = {'MEG0522','LF';'MEG0523','LF';'MEG0512','LF';'MEG0513','LF';'MEG0312','LF'};
Values will not be in an orderly fashion. I would appreciate any support from community members.

Best Answer

Please, let me know if the following sentence solves your problem: