MATLAB: I was working on Matlab R2015a’s Classification Learner Toolbox. I successfully imported the file data and export it using Export Model, and i got a structure named trainedClassifier. But while running its showing the following error

classifier learner app

matlab code clc; clear all; close all; a= readtable('input.csv'); height = [167; 152; 150; 159; 275; 285; 200; 253]; T =height; yfit = predict(trainedClassifier, T{:,trainedClassifier.PredictorNames})
error Undefined function or variable 'trainedClassifier'.
Error in check (line 7) yfit = predict(trainedClassifier, T{:,trainedClassifier.PredictorNames})

Best Answer

trainedClassifier is not in your workspace because you have a clear all at the beginning of the script which is clearing it.
I would recommend saving it after exporting and then loading in the script
Export from app.
save trainedClassifier.mat trainedClassifier
In script
load trainedClassifier.mat
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