MATLAB: I wanted to ask image analyst are there any sony cybershot models available that are compatible with matlab 2015 version ? i want to take real time images of moving vehicle and process many pixels camera would be enough for that purpos

digital image processing


Best Answer

You need remote control of the camera to do that. One model specifically documented for remote control and transfer of the images is
However this would not be called real-time work. You need an image stream for real-time work. I do not know at the moment if that is possible with any of the cybershot models. It was not possible when I looked about two years ago, but perhaps the features of the line have improved.
How many pixels you need depends upon distance, lighting, frame rate, whether you need to deal with dirt on the license plates, number of lanes you are handling simultaneously, and so on. In conditions where you can be sure that the plate is at a nearly constant distance and framed nicely, then it can be done in 284 x 368.